A look at the first U. S. National Park in the new millennium...
California’s first Zero Net Energy new building designed for the State’s Department of General Services Receives a Green Good Design Honor...
Paul Murdoch has been selected for elevation into the College of Fellows by the American Institute of Architects…
PMA’s designs and planning for public and private clients earn five top honors…
Pursuing a vision where every youth belongs, chooses the support they need and thrives, allcove is developing an innovative network of integrated youth mental health centers…
PMA’s process engaged survivors and responders to create a design that uses the power of memory to promote healing for individuals and the community…
The highly-adaptable, multipurpose event center by Paul Murdoch and Milena Murdoch is part of a greater master plan to revitalize this L.A. park in ways that demonstrate sustainability, resilience, and social equity…
Effort to enhance Flight 93 land nears completion; last of 150,000 trees being planted at national memorial…
This Spring the project’s landscape was honored with an ASLA Pennsylvania/Delaware Honor Award, affirmation of the power of the environmental and symbolic healing the project has had on Western Pennsylvania…
Earvin "Magic" Johnson Recreation Area honored with three sustainable awards…
NY Magazine explores the challenges and eloquent solutions behind the Flight 93 National Memorial and Tower of Voices on the eve of 9/11’s 25th anniversary….
An in-depth interview on the Tower of Voices, both the vision for the memorial and the deeper significance of the work….
PMA’s Venture Capital Office Headquarters project featured in ThinkWoods latest LookBook as an example of wood’s potential for dynamic and diffused lighting…
Fast Company explores the major renovation of Earvin “Magic” Johnson Park Event Center and its water conservation efforts in the climate-change era….
Urbanize LA “explores” the recently completed Phase I efforts at Earvin Magic Johnson Recreation Area as a first step in a new master plan for the 126-acre park……
The firm’s Flight 93 National Memorial is in this examination of many memorials from around the world in Spencer Bailey’s 2020 book In Memory Of: Designing Contemporary Memorials….
Paul Murdoch is interviewed for the LA Times about the design and building process for the Tower of Voices